
Creative Technology Strategy Consultation

Here at Octopus Immersive Laboratory we care about how people connect with technology. In particular we challenge the scope of 'Immersive' and feel very strongly that immersive tech extends beyond XR,VR and MR into physically interactive technology such as robotics, animatronics and haptics.

With our roots in robotics research we have placed ourselves ready to bring together a breadth of technologies to provide what is at the core 'interaction' between people, algorithms, sensors and mechanics.

We have worked in a combination of the creative and technical industries for a number of years, and in that time have gained a wealth of experience developing technologies and projects at a range of sizes. We have had many successes, learned from failures and pride ourselves on the fact that our builds are robust, last the length of install without failure, and are ready to work with technical infrastructures.

We are keen to share this experience and help others target what is important to make creative, interactive and immersive technology work for you. A project budget doesn't have to be huge to make a huge impact, you just need to know how to ensure you prioritise the essential design factors. Get in touch through the link in the menu or here to find out how we could help you.
