

A 100 capacity mixed reality concert featuring Ryichi Sakamoto.

During 2023 we contributed to Tin Drum’s KAGAMI, an immersive mixed reality multi user music concert.

Ryuichi Sakamoto was a composer, producer, and artist born in Tokyo. His career spans 48 years, with 21 studio albums, receiving Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe and Grammy awards. During 2020, Tin Drum had captured Ryuichi in 3D whilst he performed 10 select tracks. Over the coming years, a team of developers and artists worked to bring this capture into an immersive experience showcasing the legacy of Ryichi in a new performance medium.

Video credit : Manchester Internationl. The KAGAMI show presents to ~100 people, each wearing magic leap 2 headsets, synchronised with immersive 3D media which plays along with Ryuichi’s music.


In 2023 KAGAMI premiered at New York’s Shed, then imediately traveled to Manchester International Festival. It has received positive press including a 5* review in the guardian. 

It has since shown at Camden Roundhouse and NTCH/Taipei, with future shows in the works. 


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